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轮毂 英文

The English term for "轮毂" is "wheel hub." The wheel hub is a critical component of a vehicle's wheel assembly. It serves several important functions:

1、Mounting the Wheel: The primary function of the wheel hub is to securely mount the wheel to the vehicle's axle. It does this by using lug nuts or bolts that thread into holes in the hub.

2、Transmission of Power: In vehicles equipped with an internal combustion engine, the wheel hub is connected to the transmission. It transmits the engine's power to the wheel, allowing the vehicle to move.

3、Braking: The wheel hub is also an integral part of the braking system. It houses the brake rotors and calipers, which are responsible for slowing down or stopping the vehicle.

4、Suspension: The wheel hub is part of the suspension system, which helps to absorb the shock from the road and keep the vehicle stable and comfortable during driving.

5、Axle Connection: The wheel hub connects to the axle through a constant velocity (CV) joint or a drive shaft, depending on the vehicle's design.

轮毂 英文

6、Steering: In vehicles with front-wheel drive or four-wheel drive, the wheel hub is connected to the steering system, allowing the wheels to turn and steer the vehicle.

Wheel hubs come in various types, including:

Solid Wheel Hubs: These are typically found in rear-wheel drive vehicles and are made of a single piece of metal.

Bearing Hub: This type of hub contains ball bearings and is used in many modern vehicles.

Hub-Centric Wheel: This design ensures that the wheel is centered on the hub, which improves wheel alignment and reduces vibration.

Regular maintenance of the wheel hub is important to ensure the safety and performance of the vehicle. This includes checking for signs of wear, such as play in the wheel bearings or loose lug nuts, and replacing the hub as needed.

轮毂 英文

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